
Dead Jokes

kid* i want to be like batman *genie* i can make arangments the kid comes homeboth of his parents are dead *genie* i told you *kid* .............................................

How long does it take for 10 dead babies to paint a wall? Depends how hard you throw them.

I invented a time traveling machine and travelled back to Pangea. I warned the dinosaurs about the deadly asteroid, they told me, "it wasn't an was Pionel Pessi's penalty ball ricocheted from Mars that made them extinct". Tears ran down my face. Shame on you Pessi!

(Jokes for people with cancer) 1: I wish my cancer could kill me quicker so I don't have to do this class anymore. 2: I'm dying, finally. 3: I'm sorry, I can't go to your party because I'm expected to be dead by then. On a serious note, I might actually have cancer and I'm getting checks. I hope for the best :/.

What do emo boys and emo girls have in common they both wanna die and cut so they can die faster but they are already dead already dead to me!

So I told an orphan to slap themselves untill they are wanted, I came back the next day to see them slapping themselves then I stopped them then told them to punch themselves. The next day a saw a dead orphan.

Two people are in a restaurant. Person #1 doesn’t order anything and person #2 orders a chili.

Person #1: Aren’t you gonna eat your bowl of chili?

Person #2: No you can have it.

Person #1: Ok, thanks...

Person 1 starts eating his food only to find half of a dead rat! He vomits all of the food back into the bowl.

Person #2: That’s about as far as I got too!