Roses are dead. violets are dying. Outside I'm smiling. Inside I'm crying.
Did you hear about the woman who put her husband’s ashes in a burrito?
He gets to tear that ass up one more time.
Dogs say woof Cows say moo Idiots say “The site will be less dead when school starts again”
What’s the best part about fucking a dead bitch? You don’t need consent
What’s the best thing about making out with dead girls?
They can’t say no.
Who is not hungry in Africa?
A dead person.
What is a necrophiliac safe word I’m alive
What does Jeffrey Dahmer and Travis Scott have in common?
Eight dead people.
Damn Really stole my friend glasses well now their blind but not really their dead.
What's the difference between a dead person and a walkie-talkie?
A dead person does not walkie or talkie.
How do you know the baby's dead, The dog plays with it more
if being sexy were a crime you better lock me up. not because I'm sexy but because I have 5 dead children in my basement
What do you call an Asian who gets a B?
It's not a B-sian.
Do You know when an African doesn't feel hungry? When he is is dead.
How is having fun with a prostitute like bungee jumping?
You’re dead if the rubber breaks.
People ask me, are you an organ donor?
"Yeah, over my dead body."
What has 4 wheels, no wings and flies?
A dead cripple
What do you do when your cat’s dead?
Play with the neighbor’s pussy instead.
What is the difference between onions and my dead grandma? I cried when I cut up the onions
What’s the worst part about a dead prostitute?
You end up doing all the work.