30 people died in a car wreck before they got to Heaven God asked for one wish because they died in a tragic way the first lady she was obsessed with her looks so she asked to be beautiful and God granted her wish the next person didn't know what to wish for so they wish for the same thing the guy in the very back was laughing having a grand old time then god got to the person before the last he aaid the same he wished to be beautiful when God got to the last person he said I want them all to be ugly again.
People say that life is short I say... Life is the longest thing we ever do
I was playing Mortal Kombat with my friend when he picked the fighter Pristiano Penaldo. I won and the voice didn't say "Finish him", so i couldn't do a fatality. I was confused but i understood that the game didn't let me finish him because he is already finished.
You know every time we think of sex an angel dies.
We ran out of dead people hundreds of years ago.
Chuck Norris is so immortal, even he killed death.
I have a question, does aging affect corpses too? just asking to know if I still count as a pedophile or not!
Son: Dad I have black skin and you have white skin, are you sure ur my parents? Dad: oh...., well I never thought it would come to this, or to ur head that you were kidnapped..... Son: am I kidnapped? Dad; well ur adopted, and if you want to see ur biological parents they’ll be waiting for you in heaven
I hope Death is a woman. That way it will never come for me.
someone dies
Did you hear about the baby with cancer? It never gets old
What do your teacher and your friend have in common?
They will both die eventually.
Has anyone alive ever died?
Is this our eternal life?
People need to stop taking life so seriously, after all, no one gets out alive!
me explaining the school nurse that ice cant cure everything nurse: hOW DaRe yOu OpPosE mE mORtAl
-->[]life death[]<--
Theres something special about cemeteries People are dying to get inside
My dad drove past a graveyard he said “I won’t be buried there.” I asked why. He said “Because I am not dead yet”
People want to be nice to each other, because they only have one life, and they want to live it well.
Sucks to be them. I'm a cat.
I’m rather relaxed about death. From quite an early age, I’ve regarded it as part of the deal, the unwritten guarantee that comes with your birth certificate.
Q. What's the difference between my phone battery in an anti vax kid? A. Nothing they both die at ten