
Cup Jokes

Woman gets pulled over by a cop Cop: ma'am have you been drink Lady: no officer Cop: what's that in your cup then ma'am Lady: just water officer Cop: looks like wine to me Lady: oh my god Jesus did it again

troll your friend by saying i and saying cup and then tell them that that means i see you pee LOL there is also lettuce cup witch means let us see you pee

Why ain’t Indian packiscan aloud in the World Cup of baseball? Every time they hit a corner they open a shop

A toddler, was giving her daddy a tea party She brought him a little cup of "tea" which was just water, of course. After several cups of tea , her Mom came home, Dad made her wait in the living room to watch his little Princess bring him a cup of tea, because it was, "Just the cutest thing!" Mom waited, and sure enough, here she come down the hall with a cup of tea for Daddy. She watches him drink it up and then says, "You know the only place she can reach water, is the toilet!

feeling stressed? have a nice cup of tea and spill it in the lab of the person bothering you.

When your friends talking about sports: Jake says " It was 17.56M people watching in basketball championship"🦁

Sam says " It was 113M People watching the Super Bowl" 😯🐱

Avion says "It was up from 1.12 billion people watching World Cup 😶🙀

I asked a man for ten dollars for a cup of coffee, The man said coffee was only a quarter, I told him I was putting all my begs in one ask it.

Hey guys, thank you for finding this. Vote in the thumbs up or thumbs down whether you prefer Reese’s cups or starbursts and comment if you have a different preference! I would like to know a little about people! Thanks, iz