What happens when a cow jumps over a wire fence?
Udder destruction.
What happens when a cow jumps over a wire fence?
Udder destruction.
what do you call a dabbing cow?
udder savagery
Why did the out of shape cow quit her job?
She got tired of jumping over the moon.
why can,t the tolit paper cross the road it was stuck in a crack
A man and a cow walk into a McDonalds, and the man walks up to the front counter and says “I’d like one beef burger.” The employee of McDonalds said “Sure thing sir, also I really like to see your cow, may I bring him into the back room really quick to show my co-workers?” The man says “Sure.” The employee takes the cow into the back room. A couple minutes later the employee came back with his burger. The man took a bite of it, and released his cow was gone.
One hot day a cow wanted some shade. He found a tree and started resting under it but there was a chicken bothering him. The cow exclaimed "Moooove", the chicken didn't move, again "Mooooove", and still the chicken wouldn't move. The cow yelled "MOOOOOVE", the chicken turned around and said "FUCKOFF".
If you wear cowboy clothes, are you ranch dressing?
what do u call a gay cow? a gay cow.
What do you call a dancing cow that dies while dancing?
Dead mooves.
What do you get when a cow is caught in an earthquake?
You get a milkshake!
A farmer walks up to his farmer neighbor with a jug of milk. The farmer says, "I milked your cow." The neighbor replies, "I have a bull, not a cow."
What do you call J Cow's new hit? Deja Moo!
What did the cow tell an indian?
What did the Indian say to the cow?
I lowe you, moo than anything.