If a computer was an apartment, the only passage would be the windows. It would have had doors but why was it ever spelt DOS
A computer is a HARDware device. How come someone still feels it is MicroSOFT
I fell in love with my computer because it helps me Excel
dam this computers stop working its got autism
i will remember my classmates last word: ahh my pens ink spilled on my computer
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I'd make a joke about epilepsy but the computer started flashing
When the C.I.A. raided Osama Bin Laden’s house, they found steam on his computer this means he was a gamer. He raged a little too hard and went for New York.
your hairline looks like someone tried to erase it using microsoft paint
what is missing when a orphan buys a laptop? The home screen
I'm making a website for orphans wont add the home page
Why can’t an orphan play online games
They don’t have there parents input
What's missing in an orphanage computer?
"The motherboard."
My mom told me to get off the computer or she will slam my head into the keyboard.
I dont thing shelsjkdvklserdhcvjskrldfjlbudrjkfhbverjksfbhvyuksejfvsuil.w35xfc.
"You are under arrest for illegally downloading the entire Wikipedia."
"Wait! I can explain everything."
Johnny Eats a lot of ham so he catches lots of spam
What do computer programming and 9/11 have in common?
They're both inside jobs.
what is the difference between hilary duff and a computer? you only have to punch information into a computer once.
Why do orphans play Minecraft? So they can at least build a home.
my wifi must be kobe because it crashed hard