Mariah Carey is a more legit rapper than rapboat.
"Rapeboat" makes Elton John seem straight.
What's the difference between a rapist's mouth and a sewer?
Nothing, they both spout shit.
What's longer than a penis?
About anything.
Your forehead is so big, it's bigger than a school!
What’s the difference between jesus and a plank of wood?
A plank of wood can take nails to the extremities without screaming
What the difference between MetaCareForAll and the resurrection of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ? One of them is an unrealistic fantasy that can never come true because it wouldnt work. The other one is the resurrection our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. (Ben Shapiro 2020)
So I went to a church and I ask a friend is the picture on the wail is Jesus and dose it have three nails or one nails Oh Wait that not Jesus he is not doing the T pose that he invited
"Can I throw you away? You look like my trash can. Oh, wait, you *are* my trash can."
The only thing longer than the Great Wall of China is your hairline.
You're as tall as a giraffe.
Well, that's why you look like a baked bean!
You wanna know the difference between a rake and your mom? The rake is actually useful.
What is the difference between an emo kid and a jug of milk?
The milk doesn't hang itself after it gets dumped.
1, 2 you built like a dork.
3, 4 you got no girl, 4, 5 you're shorter than a remote.
What's the difference between a piranha and a teenage girl?
The piranha doesn't wear makeup.
Your forehead is so big, you look like Megamind but with no superpower, just a big forehead!
Your forehead is big. God said dude that's bigger than me and I'm infinitely big!
You're a copycat from Ballarat You smell like a rat, you wear a hat and you are shaped like a baseball bat.
Song by John Rizk
What does Biden do? He does you.
What does do something useful unlike you?
Personally, I think putting beans on toast is better than bullets in children.