
Christmas Jokes

What is the best Christmas present ever? A broken drum! You just can't beat it! What do you call an angry reindeer? RUDE-olph! What is Santa's favourite breakfast? SnowFLAKES! What do you get if you eat Christmas decorations? Tinsel-itis!

2 Kids told their parents they saw a man late a night entering their house on Christmas night The day later they found out several houses were robbed

My Friend- Why does Santa look like that? My 15 Year Old Friend- He has secateurs cancer... Me- I heard its cause he comes once a year. *-Everyone Looks at me-*

My child is ungrateful, I got him a bike for Christmas and he didn't say thank you, no, he said "dad, I don't have any legs"

whats the similarities between an emo and some Christmas lights

they are both going to be hanging from a tree


Jingle bells, jingle bells! OH GOD, SANTA FELL! I guess it's time for Mrs. Claus to go straight down to hell!

What did the orphan get for Christmas nothing because his parents ran away double whammy orphan jokes r like a kid with cancer it never gets old 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👌👌👌👌👌