
Cheese Jokes

Julie: What's the difference between a chimp and a pizza?

John: I don't know.

Julie: Remind me not to send you to the store...

What did one mouse say to the other mouse when it tried to steal the cheese?

"That's nacho cheese!"

1.What do you call chesse that's no yours - Nacho Chesse 2. Knock Knock WHO's there ash ash who-ashOoO 3. How does the ocean say hello - he waves 4. Why can't elsa have a ballaon- Because she will let it go 5. What do you can your enemy- You dont call it at all

Do you know why in france there is a cheese named formage á ràpe?

Cuz the cheese got rapped

Why where the twin towers workers disappointed because they ordered a ham and cheese but all they got was a plane