
Virginity Afterlife

If you die a virgin, then where does your v-card go? Does it go with you to the grave, or does your mortician take it from you?

Comments (13)

We take it from you and leave you something for your family (if you have a viewing) or else we leave something with you to cremate or bury directly ;)

You people are f u c k i n g weird.

nobody dies a virgin because life f'ed you over

Thank you for listening to my TED talk.

no you lose your virginity anyways because your uncle saw a chance and took it

pedo ;), that is the darkest thing I think that you could write beside what Embalmer wrote. Thanks.

i read this and said: "well that's morbid" and then i realized what site i was on....

You might die a virgin but you sure as hell won’t be buried as one!