
Bus Jokes

Inmate 1: why u in prison then? Inmate 2: I killed 4 people and robbed someone, watta bout u? Inmate 1: I blew up a school bus Inmate 2:OMG YOU DEMON WERE THEY AUTISTIC? Inmate 1: no they were fortnite kids Inmate 2(who is Muslim): halelouia we have found the messiah

Yo mama is SO FAT... SO FUCKING FAT... That when she went on the bus, she wasn't allowed in. She asked why, and the driver pointed to the sign "Weight capacity of 50 people". The bus was empty.

She got mad and ate the bus


Why Should I Walk? by Iona Carr

What Lonely Girls Should Do by Seymour Fellowes

Unusual Window Decorations by Rod Curtains

The Long Walk Home by Misty Bus

Race to the Outhouse by Willie Makit and Illustrated by Betty Wont

Me:Why did the bus drop his ice cream? Sanity to live: I don't know? Me:He was run over by Timmy!!! Sanity to live?*dies* Me:*At edge of bridge* wow sweat view Sanity to live:*resurrected* Narrator: sometimes a bridge is all you need... (sponsored by jumping bridges)

If you think Tracy Latimer's murder was in any way justified, Put on your helmet cause you're about to miss the short bus.

one day, a class of children were killed in a bus accident, but only some survived. One was praying that he would survive, and the other said,"First time?"

I saw my midget neighbour at a bus stop

"Jump in, I'll give you a lift home" I said.

"Bugger off" he shouted back.

"What an ungrateful little man" I thought as I zipped up my backpack and continued my walk.