Pepperoni Pizza

Pepperoni Pizza Jokes

Why were the Twin Towers disappointed?

They asked for a pepperoni pizza and all they got was a plane.

Why were the people on the World Trade Center so pissed?

People, they ordered pepperoni pizza, but they got plane.

What did the twin towers get when they ordered an extra large pepperoni pizza 🤔

When the pizza man got there all they got was Plane

Why were the Twin Towers mad? Because they ordered three pepperoni pizzas and one came plain, the other came late, and the other one went to the wrong address.

On the day of 9/11 the WTC’s ordered cheese and pepperoni pizza but all they got was plane

I was dying when i called my sister and she said "Hi this is pepperoni's pizza and abortion clinic your loss our sauce how may i help you today."

Why were the victims of 9/11 so mad? Because they ordered a pepperoni pizza, but all they got was a plane.

What's the similarity between a pepperoni pizza and Freddy Krueger?

They both have red circles on their bodies.