Kim Jong-Un thicc af.
What’s another name for a cow?
You... cause you're fat.
Yo mama so stupid, she tried to straighten her pubic hair and burned her balls.
There is this little boy, and he gets in the shower with his mom and looks up and says, "Mommy, what are those?"
She replies with, "These are my headlights."
He looks down and says, "Mommy, what's that?" She says, "That's my garage."
So he gets out of the shower and gets in with his dad and looks down and says, "What is that?" The dad says, "This is my snake."
Later that night, he wakes up in the middle of the night and screams, "Mommy, Mommy, turn off your headlights and close your garage. Daddy's snake is trying to get in!"
Why did Sally's pizza get cold? Because she has no arms.
Why did Sally drown in the pool?
She had no arms, remember.
What do you call a crying dick?
I call it a crying dick.
What was Pepe's best friend? Ballsack.
I’m sorry deez nuts can’t fit in your mouth.
What do you call a person with only one arm?
What do you call a skeleton with no arms? An un-armed skeleton.
What do you call a person with no eyebrows?
Ms. Burgos.
Why didn't the skeleton want to make art anymore?
He didn't have the heart to put into it.
What do you call a person with no arms or legs lying face first in a river? Bob.
What do you call two people with no arms or legs standing in front of a window? Curt and Rod.
Why did the skeleton not tell jokes? It lost its funny bone. Maybe you should try putting it back.
Someone: Hey, are you a skeleton?
A skeleton: Of course, I have a SKELE-ton of fans!
Friend, you so faaaat.
Me: Boy, at least I'm not built like a Nintendo Switch.
Yo mama so fat, her swimming is Sea World.
I slit my wrists.
What did the skeleton say when he fell on his funny bone? He laughed!