
Blow Jokes

Rock-a-bye dummy in the tree top. When the wind blows the cradle will rock. When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall. Down will come dummy, Cradle and all

Sat at a busy intersection with a slice of bread waiting for a traffic jam

Cut a hole in the rug so he could see a dirty floor show

He took hay to bed to feed his nightmare

Took a tape measure to bed to see how long he slept

Put his nose out the window so the wind will blow it

Died with his boots on because he didn't want to hurt his toes when he kicked the bucket

My friend had a house FULL of okra, but it blowed up and okra was everywhere . I guess you can call that place Okra-homa!

I told my friend that someone accused him of blowing dead bears. I said I defended him by responding that I saw 1 get up and walk away.

Me and my friends were talking. Then we got to talk about our wives. I said "So I married a valcono for a wife. You never know when she will blow up"