Say no to drugs kids, suddenly, the poster dissapeared. I hallucinated. Must have been the cocaine.
A poster for the winter relief fund reads: "No one should be allowed to go hungry or suffer from the cold." A worker says to his friend, "now were not even allowed to do that."
Yo hairline been missing so badly, that the police had to put up a wanted poster for it
Hang in there you all, Literally.
I’d like to be a one direction poster because I want to be nailed to the wall by a teenage girl ;)
Some say under his helmet, is another smaller helmet and under that is another helmet and under that is a poster of Miley Cyrus
My wife is the only person that has missing posters attached to her ass.
Your mum is so stupid she tried to take the crown off a Keep Calm And Carry On poster so that she could become the new queen of England
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