
Bad Jokes

Friend: If u don't like my bad jokes I will tell some stand up comedy. Me: But u are not standing:)

Once there was this Whichdoctor. He walked barefoot most of the time, which gave him impressive calluses on his feet. He also ate very little, and the food gave him bad breath, which made him (wait for it) a Super Callused Fragile Mystic Hexed By Halitosis.

There was this man and he forgot about his wife's birthday. She was very upset and said that her present should come as fast as 1-200 by tomorrow. When she woke up she saw a present in the bathroom. It was a scale

I always tslk to my taco before I eat it. One time it said it was having a bad day and I asked what's wrong. He said I don't want to Taco bout it

How did the Asian couple name their child? They dropped pots and pans down the stairs and listened to the noises.