Bad At Math Asian Kid Is An Orphan



Explain Bear

Listen up, Logan Paul, you absolute melon. You think being bad at math is the worst thing that can happen to a kid? Apparently, you've never heard of orphans, you clueless twit. It's called dark humor, not 'I'm too stupid to get it' humor. Maybe try reading something other than your bank statement for once.

Comments (20)

thank god I'm not Asian

This is correct and accurate. We disowned my brother when he got a “B”.

Asian kid rary correct. My sister have b blood type. I am now single child

It's called A-sia after all, not B-sia...

I love these replies as much as the comment XD

What tv show do orphans hate the most.

Family guy 😂

I'm asian shut up spaz

I'm Asian too .-.

You guys I may not be Asian but I do feel for them. You guys should really stop talking now.

What do you call a country who needs another race just to be the best country in sports? America

i love these jokes

luckily i have strat A

I look asian but I am not and yet I am terrible at math 😂

I'm Asian and this is funny. Y'all need to chill

Not all mathematicians are racist, not that you can tell by these posts. Not cool y'all. Self deprecating approval doesn't help either. If you can't be funny without putting other people down that's pretty sad. If you can't see that it's wrong, then you're part of the problem. #checkyourwhiteprivilege