Yo mama so ugly she the reason why Slender Man has no eyes.
Doc: Can I help you?
Girl: Doctor, I have pain in my heart.
Doc: When did it begin?
Girl: Right now (seeing him like a doll).
Doc: Hh...do you like me? I know I am handsome...
Girl: No, don’t get me wrong. You just look like someone I know.
Doc: Who is that? Is your boyfriend?
Girl: No, it’s my pet (rabbit), his name is Rokie.
Q: What is Trump?
A: An oversized oompa loompa.
You're so fat you're the reason they made tread "meals".
You're so ugly we can't have neighbors.
Is your middle name Fancy Feast?
'Cause your face looks like a can of dog food.
I don't know why Trump has orange skin but has white around his eyes. So does that mean he is some fucking dog?
A wild Iceberg appears! Titanic uses ram! It is not very effective. (Titanic sinks.)
Yo mama so ugly people dress up as her at Halloween.
Damn, bitch, you got a big ass for a head!
Friend: "You are so ugly." Me: "You can't be talking, you give Freddy Krueger nightmares."
1. Your face is so ugly, I thought it was deformed. It probably was anyways.
2. Even if Donald Trump had time to build a wall, it was probably so you won't squish us with your fatass.
If someone says your face is deformed, just say that's what happens when I look at you.
Trump and two of his friends are stranded on an island with no internet connection and no way of getting home. As they frantically run around the island trying to get a signal so Trump can call his private helicopter to come and pick them up, Trump’s wig falls off and lands on a magical lamp, from which suddenly appears a genie. As Trump replaces his wig, the genie announces that he will grant each man one wish for freeing him.
The men stop to confer. The first one says he will wish for a plane to rescue him, the second wishes for a boat to rescue him and they tell Trump to wish for a helicopter to rescue him. Trump, being Trump, nods and says yes, but he wasn’t really listening. Then they approach the genie. The first one of Trump’s friends wishes for a plane to rescue him, as agreed. The second one of Trump’s friends wishes for a boat to rescue him, as agreed. Then Trump is left all alone, but instead of wishing for a helicopter to rescue him, as agreed, he says, “Aww, I’m lonely now. I wish both my friends were here with me!”
Hot water look a**.
When I feel ugly I just look at my brother and get over it
Boy Scout...
- A kid who dressed like an idiot.
- An idiot who dressed like a kid.
Luigi was dying and had two sons. Bruno was handsome, but Alberto was ugly.
He said, "Maria, tell me, is Alberto my son?"
"Yes, Luigi," his wife said, and he died happily.
Wife said, "Thank God he didn’t ask about the other one!"
Your mamma's so ugly, even the toaster wouldn't get in the bathtub with her.
Girls with the name Zoe have big foreheads.
So this guy named Andrew Furda was my boyfriend for like a half a week, so five days. Then bam, I cut my hair. He only liked me for my looks, and I hoped he regrets it because it is WAR, so if you see this, you're going down, Andrew!
Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.