
Airport Jokes

Q: Why are gay people never late for their flight? A: They get their shit packed the night before.


i'm a pilot and my boss told me to fly people to new york so i flew them to new york and hit the towers that was a tragic story

my mom once ate a full giant cheesecake and we were walking to our flight back home and she had to shat. we were walking to the bathroom and she full on in front of the caroulsel, she had a lump of poo in her pants... true story haha

What did one plane say to the other?

It’s been a Long day, I’m ready to crash.

Other plane: No you’re not, we haven’t even gotten high yet!

a gay couple and a lesibian couple are going to the airport which one gets there first ... the lesibian duh they get there "LICITY SPLIT "

My friend Amir didn’t have the greatest driving record because of all the car crashes he got in. He only crashed his plane once in a building. So he had a much better flying record.

They asked JFK Jr. if he wanted to shower before his flight. He said "No, I'll just wash up on shore."

<img src="" alt="Image result for a white plane"/> i guess this is pretty plane i am sorry i am just winging it wow i guess these jokes haven't taken of Wow i just landed that one