Whats worse then ten dead babies in a dumpster, One dead in ten trash cans...lol
if someone calls you just say this is peters abortion clinic and pizza restaurant were yesterdays loss is today's sauce
What's similar between a fetus and a failed mission?
You abort it
Abortion is becoming more and more expensive these days. So visit Ammu-nation and pick up an Armsan RS-X1 tactical shotgun, it comes with a free box of ammo and a three year warranty. Buy now pay later.
Why cant you fool an aborted fetus Because it wasn't born yesterday
Want to hear an abortion joke, or any joke for that matter? You have that option, and you can thank your mother for that. But that's a question that will never be heard by an aborted unborn baby, whose only option was death. And that's no joke.
Welcome to Antonio’s pizza and abortion where yesterday’s lost is today’s sauce
I can tell why the founding fathers adopted the constitution because no body likes it
Tushar’s fortnite skills
What does a abortion joke and a fetus have in common... The joke never gets old and nether does the kid.
I was about to make a baby joke but then decided to abort
What’s red, nine inches long , and makes my girlfriend cry every time she sees it?
Her abortion
I don't get why people don't like my abortion jokes. Do they have a stick up their ass? Wait, that's the other hole.
Q : Name a muderer ? Aborted fetus : My mum.