What was going through the head off a 9/11 victim on the 88th floor
The 89th floor
What was going through the head off a 9/11 victim on the 88th floor
The 89th floor
Why do some people keep posting lame jokes about 9/11?
Answer; Because they are STUPID LOSERS!
If I had to rate the attack on the twin towers from the Muslims, I'd give it a 9/11.
When you play Flappy Bird in 9/11, the bird is a plane and the obstacle courses are towers.
Why are americans so bad at clash, They already lost two towers
When you're in the World Trade Center and you connect to airplane wifi.
9/11 was a round of Clash of Clans. They knocked down two towers, not three.
What's the similarities between the New York Jets and the World Trade Center? They both fall I'm September.
Why were the Twin Towers mad? Because they ordered pepperoni but instead they got... Plane.
Why was 6 afraid 7 because 7 8 9 but why was 10 scared cause he is right in the middle of 9 11
What happened when two invisible giants knocked over their blocks?
I should probably stop making jokes about 9/11 My dad died to it, he was a great piolet
Me and my friend were cranking 90s in Fortnite, then our other friend joined, started flying a plane. We died like all the people in 9/11.
I rate the twin tiwers 9/11 very stable buildings
Why did the Twin Towers fall exactly at 9/11?
Because the terrorists thought that it would be fun to call 911 as a "prank."