
Wheres Jokes

why did sally fall off the swing... she had no arms why did joe get hit by a bus... sally was driving it where did sally go during the bombing... everywhere

well a lock and a key where going on vacation but the key said help me im stuck and then the lock said i think i am in lock-shary

I was bullying a little kid for having a purple eye and said,"Where'd you get that? Your mom? Your dad?". After that, everyone in my group was laughing at the kid. The next day I never saw him again.

when your parents ask you to take out the trash you nock out your brother putting him in a closet and when your parent ask where he is you say i took him out like you said

one day, the milkman came to drop off milk. The boy asked the milkman, do you know where my dad is. The milkman replies, I am your dad, then runs off like batman

I found a place before called an orphanage but when I was aloud in there where lots of kids and I said where's your parents oh yeah your orphans. "Gosh that was one hecka day"

My sister\ see you at home in about a hour Me\ okay My sister\ Sister where are you 'She looks out the window' Me\ Sis im here cant you see me? Sister\ OMG SHES DEAD Me\ yea i know but cant you see me?

Farmer's Wife: Honey where are the cow's?

Farmer: Up in the mountains grazing.

Farmer's Wife: Why?

I don't know but the stakes have never been higher.

my sister said downlaod amoug us on my ipad so i did then she teached me to play then she told me a code and told me where to put it and i typed in the code then she was the imposter and i was a crewmate so i was sticking with her and she killed me when we made it to the medbay.

Does anyone know where I can get that picture that went around the internet of Steven Hawking looking at the stairway to Heaven and saying “Oh Fu-k”

What's the song that plays at the very end of the movie, Dr. Strangecow, during the montage of nuclear blasts?

"Veal meat again, don't know where, don't know when ..."