Hey guys how was ur day? If you ask me the same question heres the answer, depressing. I still haven't made any friends on this app. All I do is read and comment on old, D.K, freshfry, ALYA's "Jokes" or opinions.
im really bored and idk wut up with prince he isnt talking to me. and freshfry y u so mean now??
Freshfry pls leave me and prince alone! I never ask u too join our chat!
freshfry we need to talk now...
TO GWEN AND FRESHFRY: Hi Gwen and fresh fry you have been so amazing to me and now to my sister. you are the people who I look up to people r mean to us because i am adopted. thank you for all of your support!!!!!!
Lets talk
if yall look up freshfry jokes ill come up, abt a year ago i had a bunch of friends on this app
Where is freshfry
Freshfry, are you there? I really want to talk to you!
Love gwen.
wheres freshfry when i need him :(
HI alex its 2;00 eastertime freshfry is a scaredycat he left when you left lol
hi freshfry hii alex i did not see your messages yesterday because I was at my brothers soccer game and then people came to are house till 11:00 lol srry :)
Ok I love reading freshfry's conversations with random people. I love the ones were he has a full blown talking battle. I personally like reading them and I love reading them on my chrome book while I play Call a Duty and Fortnite on my Xbox. If you guys out there like reading freshfry's conversations with random people just comment and tell me. Talk to you guys later watersharky out.
HI everyone that is mean to freshfry,Addison banks, drew,watersharky,Gwen,and jk master fucking get off this site bully's I love everyone here except the bullies!
Hey freshfry r u on? because im ready to play on the xbox.
me and freshfry talking
alya and freshfry wondering WERE THE HELL ALEX IS!!!
how was your day freshfry