
Base Jokes

Boys: “Hey, can billy come out and play baseball?” Mom: “That’s not funny, you know billy doesn’t have any arms and legs” Boys: “I know, we need a third base”

An orphan entered the high school for the first time. He has no knowledge of the school. He went to the secretary and asked where shall he go. The secretary then gave the orphan a schedule and said to the secretary, “Where is home room?” The secretary then said which home room number did it say and it showed 1. The orphan then starting to weep and said that his parents died right as he stole his first base in baseball.

"Hi Mrs. Jackson, can Matt come out and play?" " Oh, Johnny you know Matt doesn't have any arms or legs." "I know, we just wanted to use him as third base."

Person 1: “How many ph vids have you watched today? Person 2: “Seven” Person: 1: “What the fuck dude..” Person 2: “I know right? I’ve gotten seven ads for Pizza Hut in the past hour.” (Based on an encounter I had recently)