
Whats Jokes

Them: You want some Lucky Harms?

Me: What are Lucky Harms?

Them: They're Lucky charms, but instead of being magically delicious, they're magically malicious.

What’s red and in a corner ? A baby with a razor blade What’s green and in a corner ? The same baby three weeks later


What does your first football game and your first time having sex have in common? You were bloody and battered but at least you're dad came.


Therapist: so what brought you here today? wife: he's too literal Therapist: and you sir? husband: my truck


man: i work with animals every day woman: oh how sweet! what is it that you do? man: im a butcher..

So a girl goes to Santa in the mall, and Santa asks what she would like for Christmas. So the kid says: “a little sister”. So then Santa says: “bring me your mother!”

If it's true what they say and I quote; "God never gives you more than you can handle"

Then you should pray to those who didn't, that God gave them a body strong enough to survive the attempt.

I asked my midget neighbour if he wanted a lift. He told m to "Fuck of!!!"! I thought what a cheeky cunt and zipped my backpack up and walked away.