You can tell a lot about a woman's mood just by her hands. For example, if she's holding a gun, she's probably angry.
Guns control.
What is a school shooter's favorite animal?
A Desert Eagle.
Q: What did I find on my son's search history?
A: Where is the nearest gun shop?
What does it take to paint a wall red?
Kurt Cobain and his shotgun.
What is your arm's favorite military branch? The army.
A student got a bad letter grade, so the next day he came back with his own letter grade in his backpack: an A-K47.
My teacher told me, "You have no idea how powerful this quote is." I looked at her and told her, "You don't know how powerful the shotgun in my bookbag is."
What's so special about bullets?
They do work after they are fired.
My friend was a victim of a school shooting once, but he couldn't tell if they were in the library because of the suppressor on his AR.
What does Jim Kelly and Dick Cheney have in common? They both make terrible hunters
A mirror and a terrorist are the same... Only... a mirror doesn't need a gun to kill.
Me: (pointing up in the air) "Everybody listen up, this is a robbery!"
Girl: "Dude, this is a library."
Me: "Oh." (screwing on a silencer)
Chuck Norris was shot with a gun. The bullet was critically injured.
What is the difference between an ISIS training camp and a school? Don't ask me, i just fly the drone.
I never knew how to use a boomerang, until it hit me.
Q. What do you call a gun that rapes someone?
A. An assault rifle.
Mary's mother was a good person. Why did she die?
Because she got stabbed in the heart 60 times by a switchblade.
Women are like grenades: you pull the ring and BOOM, the house is gone!
What mental illness do terrorists suffer from?
Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED).