roses are red, violets are blue, my mom and dad died, next you'll be gone to
Roses are red, violets are blue, the last time people got depressed ended world war II
Roses are red, violets are blue, this poem doesn’t make sense, washing machine.
Rose's are Red Violets are Blue I've got Genital Wart's, Soon you will too-
charli trys to roast me: roses are red violets are blue and u look like poo Me: you must of been born on the highway cuz thats where most accidents happen
roses are red violets are bl- oh yeah i'm bad at jokes
Roses are red Violets are blue God made me pretty WHAT THE FRICK HAPPENED TO YOU
Roses are red violets are blue when i saw you I thought of the zoo and monkeys too
Roses are red violets are blue oh you wanna die I wanna die too!!!
Roses are red violet are blue jets versus towers, USA lost two
This joke's about flowers, the blue one's a violet. Your mom's the twin towers and I am the pilot!
Rose are red. Violet's are red. My parents bed is red. Oh shit, I set the house on fire