Did you know that in 2001 there was an Among Us game, except that it was on a plane and had two imposters.
Why do orphans play GTA? To get wanted.
I was playing Warzone last night, and I shot my teammate that said they were emo. When I shot him, another player did, and it said "assist kill."
What you call suicide, I call a failed speedrun attempt.
Who's the Roblox YouTuber that always sees Among Us and says "stupid"?
sans undertale
I added Paul Walker on my Xbox, but all he does is sit on the dashboard.
Why dose a orphan play gta to be wanted😂😭
Damn Americans, they fucking suck at Clash Royale.
My aim is cursed; one of my Angry Birds hit a field.
I have an announcement, Shadow the Hedgehog is a bitch ass motherfucker. He pissed on my fucking wife and he said he dick was this big and I said that's disgusting, so I'm making a callout post on my twitter dot com. Shadow, u got a small dick it looks like this walnut except way smaller.
Why do women like Pac-Man so much?
How else can you get eaten three times for a quarter?
Man #1: Pretend your age is a level, I am Level 20.
Man #2: My son died at level 4.
Man #1: Lol, your son is a noob.
What is the only video game to be ever made in Africa?
Where's My Water?
Hello everyone, now a question to make it in there is no right or wrong answer, but who here has watched fireb0rn??
Opposite day be like in doors.
Figure: Finally, I can see.
Eyes: Nnnnnoooo! I'm blind. Figure, I'm sorry I made fun of you all those other times. Please don't make fun of me.
Figure: Ok eye promise eye won't.
Eyes: 😭
What do you call a black person swimming?
Cursed Minecraft image.
Did y’all hear about the increasing divorce rate because people are addicted to Fortnite?
They’re just two weeks to quit.
How many fingers does the Dragonborn have?
Four fingers and a Thu'um.