Video games don't make people violent, lag does.
Why are cats đ good at video games!
Because they have nine lives!
What's a Mexican's favorite video game?
Cancer is like a video game
Some people can not beat it
What is thanos's favorite video game? Pokèmon snap
What do you call a otter video game that is about robbing?- Grand Theft Otter!
I would make a joke about silver the hedgehog... but it's no use!
What was the orphans first video game consol? PS5 because it has no home button
My boyfriend just broke up with me for talking about video games too much. What a stupid thing to Fallout 4.
Don't be racist! BE LIKE MARIO!
He's an Italian plumber Created by the Japanese Who speaks English And looks like a Mexican Jumps like a black man And grabs coins like a Jew
My Xbox has been acting up lately...
So I painted it black to make it run faster
Fortnite is like America... At one time it was good and free. Now it's neither.
I made a 3D game about a depressed self-harming goth. It's mostly unskippable cutscenes.
Why canât orphans have a five-star GTA because theyâre not wanted
why was the twin tower mad cus when they spawned in a minecraft world all they got was plains
What is Donald Trump's favorite game?
Fortnite. Because he can build walls for free.
Want To Hear A Joke?
How did Fortnite record their henchman sounds? They asked a bunch of kids with down syndrome to film a documentary.
Whats the twin towers favorite minecraft biome? A plains biome
Osama Bin Laden is the best Angry Birds player of all time.