The 🦅 asked the female eagle what did you eat l ate NEW York hot dogs
9/11 was pretty great to me, it's just hilarious to watch people lose at jenga
why were the people in the twin towers upset? they ordered pepperoni pizza but instead they got plane
This is why they dont want to sell the double manhattan in pubs anymore
Me: GUYS GUYS I CAN STOP 9/11 My friend: how? Justin: Justin!
I’m a god, and I’m here to flex on you bitches. My flight to New York on September 11th was rocky but I lived. Imagine dying on a plane, fr. At least try and respawn:/
The only difference between my grandma and the twin towers \ that they collapsed faster then my grandma heuhfuwvuhwnefudhnweufhwuerhfiuwero0iuruqei9ri0op-or029t5093-854984598948598495io4k5ihwjfawswdeghtjhtybg fgvcr
Cow: *can't be milked for 20 years*
hey hunter, thomas here why did the plane cross the road to get to the other side thanks guys remember to like it means a lot
You know why the twin towers were more remembered? A hexagon is more commendable that a pentagon
dont be racist i am a building twin towers: fucked it was fake BE RACIST
why can't America play clash of clans?
Because they already lost two towers.
People say my dad left me and was never successful, but if you search up who destroyed the twin towers he will pop up. Also, my moms great grandpa killed Hitler
why is the pentagon mad?
Because it didnt get two pizzas but only one plan pizza
why was 10 scared? bcs 9/11 came flying in
What's the difference between pizza deliveries and the Twin Towers?
Pizza deliveries get their orders right.
My grandpa was in 911. He was the best pilot.
teacher: Jeff why did you throw a paper plane a the twins? Jeff: you wouldn't get it miss