My great grandfather died in 9-11......
He was such a good pilot......
You know how bad of a person you are when you figure out how long you wait to smash. For me and my girlfriend, it was between the first plane crash and the last tower falling.
What do the twin towers and genders have in common? There used to be two until they divided into multiple pieces.
this place is gonna boom in a few days, just like the towers
I guess making 9/11 jokes at the airport is better than shouting "He's got a gun!" at the airport.
What is the difference between the twin towers and Elton John?
Elton John is still standing.
This joke's about flowers, the blue one's a violet. Your mom's the twin towers and I am the pilot!
Why are people from New York so bad at chess?
Because they quickly lose two towers (rooks).
What do you call a paraplegic stuck in a tower? In trouble
why is 10 afraid
because he next to 9 and 11
I would tell a 9/11 joke but it would probably go up in flames
What does Drew Bledsoe and the twin towers have in common
They both got taken out by two jet.
My friends dad died during the 9/11 he was such a good pilot but my friend kept disturbing him so when hes dad died he said it was you who killed me(to the child).so the the child Sayed yoo-hoo?what type of name is yoo-hoo,but yoo-hoo yoo-hoo come here I need to k1ll you NOW
America Twin Tower: Hey have you seen the Malaysian Twin tower i have but only since 1971 to 2001 Malaysian Twin tower: I STOOD LONGER
The British equivalent to 9/11 would be a big red bus crashing into Big Ben.
The twin towers are like crippled legs once they break they can’t be fixed
Why did Ten need a therapist? He was in between 9/11.
dude what if 9/11 happened becuase they wanted slavery back
why were the twin towers angry on 9/11? because they orderd a peperoni pizza but all they got instead was plane