what's a towers favorite bagel i dont know but it ant plane
Ur next
What did the tower say to the other? "Man, someone's on fire today! "
What's the emergency number Jimmy, u? Jimmy:9/11!
What did the twin tower say to the other? I need to catch this plane
It was 9/10
My BALLS iched when I crashed the plane
What kinda pizza did the twin towers order? Two plains
One twin tower had a girlfriend the other twin tower had the same girlfriend so they both went down
lmao why do people think they can fly
What did the twin towers order for dinner
2 large planes
Why does New York have the jets as their football team if those are what took out the twin towers
What the similarities of GTA V and 9/11. A plane can be stolen and crashed into a building by a bunch of terrorists.
Teacher: hi class today we wll learn about the song, London Bridge is falling down falling down, then one student said I thought it was "twin towers are falling down falling down"!
i thought i saw a cool sticker on my office window, then i realized it was getting bigger and bigger
What's the difference between covid and 9/11?
I've never heard of someone dying in a car accident and the media blaming it on 9/11.
What time when the terrorist get to new york city? 9:11am
its been a hour since i crashed the tower