Theres a new cooking programme on bbc1 . The contestants are victims of domestic violence. Its called cant cook .... right hook
I was watching a tv show where a guy was hanging off a cliff then the series ended...guess you can say that they left that guy on a cliff hanger
what atom presents tv shows david atombrough
What do Ellen DeGeneres and homeless people have in common?
They don’t cook because they love eating out.
Watch Key/Peele "Detective."
When Lexa took Clarke out on a date, she walked past the candle shop, she bought all the candles. After the date, they went back to the Heda's (Commanders) Tower, which is basically a huge candle. "All I wanna do is Candle you"
(Lexa and Clarke from 'The 100' [ #LexaDeservedBetter ] R.I.P. Lexa...)
Watched a really cool cartoon about rabbits with downs syndrome yesterday you should try watch it on catch up... Watership Downs
It was September 10, 2001 when I stayed up watching TV shows. I woke up late to work at The World Trade Center. But it was burning. I said out loud, " I was late! I'm happy I was late to work! I mean.. I could've di-" I was then beaten and bruised by the emergency services.
What's a tree's least favorite TV show? Chopped!
I asked this disabled kid what his favorite TV show is. He looked at me blankly and said "My favorite TV show is Vegetales"
What was Stephen Hawking's favorite TV show?
Robot Wars.