An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first one orders a beer. The second one orders half a beer. The third one orders a fourth of a beer. The bartender stops them, pours two beers, and says, "You guys should know your limits."
I love murder shows... wish me luck cause I'm kinda hoping to be on one one day.
An infinite amount of mathematicians walked into a bar. The first ordered a pint, the second ordered a half pint, the third ordered a fourth-pint, etc. The Bartender eventually walked up and gave them two pints and said: "You mathematicians don't know your limits."
Why is he called Ben 10? Because he is ten in long.
What show do orphans hate?
Family Guy.
What's an orphan's least favorite film? Family Guy.
What show do orphans never watch?
"Fuller House."
What's the worst TV series for orphans?
Family Guy.
What was the orphan's favorite TV show?
Full House.
What is a shark’s favorite TV show? Sea-S-I.
Why can't a homeless person be in "The Boys?"
Because he would have beef with Homelander.
I told my friend to watch Naruto. It's been a week since I've seen him. Hope he comes back in one piece.
Guy 1: P-gay or T-gay?
Guy 2: P-gay sounds cooler.
Guy 1: Yeah me too. I don't like P-ewDiePie, always love T-series.
Guy 2: Omg what did i just say? I wasn't even knowing what were you talking about :<
Guy 1: Like I do care :$
Guy 3: But I do care :<
Guy 1: F*ck you.
Guy 3: Do it.
Guy 2: But you do care about me.
Guy 3: No.
Guy 2: F*ck you.
Guy 3: Do it.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Do you know Warrior Cats?
I heard Hawkfrost is cold.
Your mum is so fat that when she walked past the television, I missed a whole series of SpongeBob.
I want a series too, that will be SANS-tastic!
What is a orphans least favorite show: “how I met your mother”
Have you seen the Woody Allen v Mia Farrow series on HBO? If you like details about child molestation without having to do it yourself, boy do I have the show for you!
AOT > ur fav anime