
Threw Jokes

What animal...howls at the moon...and...eats...cement...if you guessed wolf ur right(I threw in the cement to make it hard

i made this up

i was watching a school baseball game, and i was yelling at a kid to take it home, he took the bat and threw it, and then ran away. i asked the teacher/coach what the problem was, and he said the kid was an orphan, and i started laughing so hard

later that night i wondered where he stormed off to after he thew the bat and i thought to myself not home

My wife is so ugly when she was born. The doctor said I did everything I could but she pulled through anyways. When she was born the doctor hung himself with the umbilical cord. He pushed her back in said not done. The doctor slapped her mother. The doctor looked at her and said twins. He didn't know what end to slap. He threw her away and kept the after birth.

An old man saw the TikTok trend of people throwing it back the old man wanted to do it with his wife the man set up everything needed a did the video I threw it back first then his wife bust instead of an old lady it was ashes

My friend says, "Time flies when having fun," so when he was gaming, I threw his clock to test that theory.

I just threw some cigarette butts on the ground while I was driving. I wasn't clean after this.

I saw a guy beat his girlfriend to a pulp after his girlfriend threw a phone in his face I offered to call an ambulance but he said he was fine

Jesus was being hug up on the cross, and me and all the other people at the bottom of the hill were watching. Jesus cries out ''Peter, peter come to me!'' So I climb up the hill on my hands and knees, and when i reach the top the Romans cut of my arms and chuck me back down the hill. ''Peter, peter come to me!'' cries Jesus once more. I stumble up the hill then the Romans cut my legs of and threw me back down. For the third time Jesus cries ''Peter peter come to me!''. So i wriggle up the hill and I guess the romans pitied me and let me through. ''Look peter, I can see my house from here!''

sso i was in the lunch room and was sitting by the peanut allergic kids table i stood up and i threw a opened bag of peanuts at them and yelled. "25 kill streak" 🤣😂

POV: your at school and you just enjoy your day. Now once you found a bully and he said “i will burn you in fire” then u just punched him Out the school and got detention. You escaped and walked home but the bully came and ROASTED you. He threw you in the garbage but you took off his cloths and even underwear. You escape the bin and took a shower and had a good day after

Riddle: A man killed his wife in his car with a knife in his car and know one could see him. He threw the body out the car and thew the knife off a cliff. When he got home, the cops called the man and told him his wife is dead and to come to the sene of the crime. The man agreed and rushed to the scene. When he got there, the cops amediently arrested him. Why? ANSWER: The cops never said qhere the sene of the crime is.