
Threw Jokes

ik this isnt a orphan joke but i didnt know where to say it so yh.

i threw a nut at the alergy table and screamed... YES TRIPLE KILL

I got these to people in my class we call them twin towers so when I hered about I threw a paper at plane at them

As he threw the mechanical pencil toward me, I knew that if I didn't move, I would be lead into serious trouble.

So at school there are these twins at my school so I folded two paper airplanes to throw at them once I realized I why it felt so wrong to do it I had already threw them I hit the north then the south one.

some guy was mad at his ex wife! so he threw a bottle of alcohol into her house when he was drunk. And realized when he was being questioned for arson, his cigarette was in the rim of the bottle.

I rode to the bottle shop on my bike yesterday. I bought a whole bottle of wine and put it in the basket on the front of my bike. Then I thought, if I fell off my bike on the way back home, it would out and shatter. So I drank all the wine and threw away the bottle. It was a good idea, because I fell off my bike about four times on the way back.

Once i was walking along the beach and there was a girl with no arms or legs there, i walked by and she said excuse me, will you touch me ive never been touched before, i was like okay so i touched her, i kept on walking along and there was the same girl, she said sir will you kiss me, i went alright so i went up and kissed her, i thought that was weird but anyway i kept walking along and there she was again, she said sir will you fuck me? I went okay so i picked her up and threw her in the ocean and went YOUR FUCKED NOW

Who was the meanest man in the world: He raped Helen Keller and threw her down a well but not before cutting off her fingers so she couldn't yell for help.

Guys we gotta stop telling these jokes they are getting out of h- oh wait no .... Continue

Yo daddy so stupid he threw a father’s day party at the orphanage

What did the catholic priest say to the other catholic priest as they entered the orphanage? 
Let’s us prey.

my dog went threw my bathroom garbage and for some reason my sister put a bunch of ketchup packets in there...