When I was in highschool, me and my friends would play with this girl who had Down syndrome. We would get into a circle around her and say “nightmare nightmare”
Hello which do y'all think is more embarrassing to have, is it autism or down syndrome?
Why couldn't the kid with down syndrome play football. because he got l the Downs.
Which is more disabling, autism or adhd or down syndrome?
Watched a really cool cartoon about rabbits with downs syndrome yesterday you should try watch it on catch up... Watership Downs
Which is more disabling is it autism or down syndrome
What do you call a Down syndrome kid who has been physically abused by older teenagers and her parents for a total of 16 years and has red marks all over there body?
Not funny because Down syndrome jokes aren't funny ;)
What did the mongol say to his dog? Down syndrome!
Ms Katie- I heard about a Vegan baby Mom- here’s your Happy meal Ms Katie- that’s not vegan did you trick me Kids- Yeah Ms Katie- that’s it little baby Jimmy I’m give you shaking baby syndrome
Mom- Please don’t hurt my son *Ms Katie shakes Jimmy Mom- I’m secretly a cop and your arested
What is better, autism or down syndrome
My syndrome is down but my hopes are up
Why did the other down syndrome guy say to the other Down syndrome guy ?
What is going on here .
Breakfast 😂
Unlike my syndrome I keep my chin up 🙌🏽😁