to be brutally honest i think his wife let him die for money cos they could just plug him back in, surely they have an android cable about?
What was Stephen Hawking's favorite TV show?
Robot Wars.
Why did the bird lay an egg on Stephen Hawkings Because he's is Stephen HAWKings.
When Stephen hawking died i assume his computer crash caused it
Stephen hawking tried to install a free version of windows 10.
The only reason Stephen Hawking died is because he broke his charger
if stephen hawking was in a horror movie .... would he make his robot try and shout “aaaaaaaaah help me , i can’t move i’m too scared” ???
how many apps did he download ... well he did run out of storage
How did Steven Hawkings die? He had a power cut x
why did stephen hawking die?--- he tried to download a free version of windows
Y don’t they let have Stephen Hawkings have other electronics around him ? Because he will sound staticky
What were Stephen Hawkings last words? Error
Where does steven hawkings gets his computer fixed at PC world
What can u tell the difference between steven hawkings and a carott Nothing
Stephen hawking forgot the WiFi password
Stephen hawking lost connection to the WiFi
How did Stephen hawking get up the stairway to heaven?
He didn’t, there was no lift...!
What is Steven Hawkins favourite food? Micro chips
Stephen hawkings tried charge his phone and unplugged his life support
Why did Stephan hawking die? He drove too far away from the wall and got unplugged