Why is the thief so good at basketball? Because he can shoot, steal, and run.
I was wondering why the basketball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.
What’s the difference between a retard and a zombie? Nothing much, they both dribble, moan, are hungry, walk weirdly, and it takes a bullet in the head to put them both down.
Why is it annoying to eat by basketball players? Because they dribble all the time!
Cristiano Clapnaldo woke up FEELING DANGEROUS against Real Sociedad!
- 0 tapins! - 0 assists! - 3/3 dives! - 0 key passes! - 2 big chances missed! - 1/4 dribbles! - 2 Offsides! - 27 claps!
Better than Elanga?
Why is basketball such a messy sport?
'Cause the players are always dribbling everywhere!
Why does the basketball never get a date?
Because they dribble.
When I went to the basketball pitch, I saw a man dribbling his own balls.
Why is Basketball called basketball?
Because you play with a basket
Why are basketball courts slippery?
Because the players dribble on it.
Why are Retards good at Basketball? Cause they Dribble all the time!
On the 12th day of Christmas Peo Pessi gave to me
12 tap ins 11 pointless dribbles 10 fixed league titles 9 missed penalties 8-2 6 dives 500million robbed from Barca 4 ucl semi losses 3 times he blamed higuain 2 retirements And a transfer to a farmers league
Nolan Davies
His faveourite drink was his dribble
Why are people so good at basketball? They can run steal and shoot
If Stephan hawking had a fifa card he would have 99 dribble💧💧💧💧💧
Why was the rapper bad at basketball?
He could only dribble RHYMES
What was steven hawkins favourite drink
His dribble
Why’ve was Stephen Hawking so good at FIFA? He had 99 dribble
What is Stephen Hawking favourite type of basketball