What did Stephen hawking say when he died?
"Windows shut down sound"
What did Stephen hawking say when he died?
"Windows shut down sound"
how did stephen-hawking die? he hit alt-f4
Stephen hawking was talking about a cash register at Costco when he said I can’t stand these people😳😳😳😳😳😳what did he saaaaaaayyyyyyy
So Stephen Hawking walked into a grocery store Never mind
Why can't Stephen Hawking be a Rocket League car? Because he can't jump for an aerial.
What is Stephen hawking best side
The left
Steven Hawking Died due to the bios update, he shutdown cuz the power cable got chewed
person 1: wasn’t stephen hawkings on x factor person 2: no why would he be on x factor person 1: for dancing
I walk into my driveway Steven Hawkins is on my roof
Oh wait never mind he just fell
Stephen hawking was in a house fir when he got out people called him hot wheels
Did you hear Stephen Hawking has a new book out?
It's about time
When is the last time you picked up the phone?
what was stephen hawkings least favorite invention? the walky talky