Why are orphans so bad at baseball?
Because they don’t know where home is.
Did you hear about the gay guy who got kicked off the golf course?
He was playing with too many strokes.
My friend's man has seizures, so guess who won their breakdancing tournament.
My little brother is scared of ghosts so I won't let him watch Bayern today.
Okay, I may be strict, but I won't let Tapindowski give my son a heart attack. His shocking ghosting performance today is a danger to my family and I'll ask UEFA to investigate the matter.
My wife saw me hit the best drive yesterday with my golf clubs.
I must have drove that chihuahua 300 yards.
Why do girls play handball? Because they want to feel balls.
But then why do boys want to? Oh...
AUGH, oh sorry, I just got a third ball because of girls hitting my balls with a handball!
The day I saw people asking Lebron James whether he liked to play basketball, my thoughts be like: wait, so Lebron James is gay cuz he likes to play with them balls.
We were versing year 8 at footy, and they were mostly black, so I told my white friend to WATCH OUT!!!
What do you call the 10th hole on a military golf course?