A anti-bullying PSA and speeding PSA from the same creator meet one another. The death toll went sky high.
Why was the rapper always in a rush?
Because he was on the FAST TRACK to RAP STARDOM
3 drunk guys entered a taxi
The taxi driver knew that they were drunk so he started the engine & turned it off again. Then said, "We have reached your destination". The 1st guy gave him money & the 2nd guy said "Thank you". The 3rd guy slapped the driver. The driver was shocked thinking the 3rd drunk knew what he did. But then he asked "What was that for?". The 3rd guy replied, "Control your speed next time, you nearly killed us!"
why do cheetahs run. why not
say "Mike who cheese hairy" fast to a teenager and I will get you $100000000000
you know that feeling when your going throught a school parking lot and go over a speed bump then you realize that there are no speed bumps
Who are the fastest readers? Nine eleven victims because they fell through 720 stories in under 10 seconds
A cop pulls over a carload of nuns. The cop says, "Sister, this is a 55 MPH highway. Why are you going so slow?"The Sister replies, "Sir, I saw a lot of signs that said 41, not 55." The cop answers, "Oh, Sister, that's not the speed limit, that's the name of the highway you are on!" The Sister says, "Oh! Silly me! Thanks for letting me know. I'll be more careful." At this point, the cop looks in the backseat where the other nuns are shaking and trembling. The cop asks, "Excuse me, Sister, what's wrong with your friends back there? They are shaking something terrible." The Sister answers, "We just got off Highway 101."
My friend and I joined a french fry eating contest, but I just couldn't ketchup. So we switched to cheese burgers, but I still couldn't mustard up the speed to lettuce win. I mayo not have thought this through. So we switched to fruits, but when it got to the watermelons, I started to feel a little green. My friend couldn't seed the point of us continuing anymore. I just couldn't digest the stress I guess :D
Why are 9/11 victims the fastest readers in the world? Because they went through 90 stories in just 10 seconds!
if someones debated the speed of light and a drunk russian, the russian would take speed to grab a falling wallet
What's white, yellow and goes 40 mph?
A train driver's egg sandwich
They said I couldnt drive. now they know i cant cause they are all dead
Driving on a road at night and hit a speed bump. Remember there are no speed bumps..... I hit bambie
What bounces up and down at 100 miles per hour
A baby tied to the back of a pick up truck
I went to a museum and saw clocks. The owner told me these were lying clocks. This is God's clock. It never moved because he never lied. This is your clock. It move 3 times because you lied 3 times i asked where is President trumps clock. he said it was at the equator. Spinning super fast for those who were on fire. I laughed so hard because it was so true
why did Paul walker died because he crashed a car in a tree
i will all ways remember my granpas last words after robing a bank O SHIT THE PIGS ARE CACHING UP but the cops did not kill him he drove full speed of a cliff
What bumps up and down at 100km an hour?
A baby tied to the back of a speeding truck