If you’re bored, go punch an orphan. What are the parents gonna do?
Question: What does baseball have that orphans don't?
Answer: A home.
What do you call somebody in America that is smart?
An immigrant.
Why is the blind kid popular?
He can't see the middle fingers.
Why are orphans banned from the shop?
No adult to pay for them.
I killed 5 orphans and tried to sell their organs.
Nobody still wanted them.
What does a blind man crying and an unplugged TV have in common?
Nothing can be seen when they get turned on.
What does an orphan and a wheelchair have in common?
They can both be replaced.
I went to the orphanage and shot everyone in there. It's not like anyone will attend their funeral.
What's a deaf kid's favorite words?
"Shut up."
What does a blind man and a PS4 have in common?
They both need to make sounds to be recognized.
Why did the blind man cross the road?
Don't ask me, he can't even see where he's going.
What happened when the Japanese guy offered Logan Paul a high five?
He left him hanging.
Why do orphans hate Dom Toretto?
Because it's all about family!
Why do orphans have no bruises?
Because they have no dad to beat them.
What's an orphan's favorite band?
Foster the People 😂
Hellen Keller went to go grab her bouncy balls.
Man: Ouch!
What's the difference between a Black person and a White person? Nothing, are you racist?
Why do orphans become criminals? Because they want to know what it's like to be wanted.
There once was a man that wanted to join a group of right-handed men, but he wrote with the other hand. He got left behind.