I like my women like I like my steak...
What did the pimp order at the Chinese restaurant?
He ordered some cock-bang-ho.
So a mushroom walks in a bar and the waiter says, "You can't be here."
And the mushroom says, "Why? I'm a fungi!"
A bear walks into a bar and asks the barkeep, "Can I have a grilled . . . cheese?"
The barkeep asks the bear, "What's with the big pause?" The bear says, "Well, I'm a bear."
A man and a cow walk into a McDonalds, and the man walks up to the front counter and says “I’d like one beef burger.” The employee of McDonalds said “Sure thing sir, also I really like to see your cow, may I bring him into the back room really quick to show my co-workers?” The man says “Sure.” The employee takes the cow into the back room. A couple minutes later the employee came back with his burger. The man took a bite of it, and released his cow was gone.
Have you ever had Ethiopian food?
Don't worry, neither have they.
Mama Mia's pizzeria and abortion clinic. Your loss is our sauce.
Have you heard of the restaurant karma There is no menu because you only get what you deserve