My neighbor is in the Guinness World Records.
He has had 44 concussions. He lives very close to me.
A stone’s throw away, in fact.
My neighbor is in the Guinness World Records.
He has had 44 concussions. He lives very close to me.
A stone’s throw away, in fact.
What do you call someone with a pindie spot?
Stop screen recording.
Why can't you solve a murder in Alabama?
All the DNA is identical and there are no dental records.
What is the fastest thing in the world?
James Charles when he sees little boys.
Be careful what you say around Indians, the red dot means they're recording.
How did Fortnite record their henchman sounds?
They asked a bunch of kids with Down syndrome to film a documentary.
James Last, the king of the LP bargain bin, died a Florida Man.
Michael Jackson has done something no one has ever done before. I'm not talking about his record sales or tickets sold.
I'm talking about being born a black man and dying a white woman. Incredible!
Who were the fastest runners ever? Adam and Eve. They were first in the human race.
What record did Obama prove during his presidency?
No matter how far a brotha gets in life, he'll still be in government housing.