Why is rape, rape? Because she is too busy enjoying the moment to say yes
Not totally a joke but... What do all these rape joke naysayers have in common with rapists?
They are also forcing themselves on others.
Roses are red, violets are blue, Bill cosby will pudding rape you
I had a dissability where I kept pronouncing my g as an r, so one day, I said I liked Grapes. Of course, I pronounced it I like Rapes. I was kicked out of preshool.
Rape jokes are like your dad's dick. You don't want it but you still get it anyway.
I’m not looking for consent, I’m looking for cooperation!
How do you get away with rape?
How do you make rape funny? Tickle her while you do it
What’s the best thing about 26 year olds?? There 20 of them.
You are all fucking disgusting!
how can you make a woman scream your name when you have sex with her? change your name to "rape"
somebody shouts "fire!"
man1 - get the children out man2 - f*** the children man3 - we dont have time
What do you say to a ugly girl who claims to have been raped?
“Are you sure you didn’t rape him”
when i was very young... my classmates played a game called kiss chase, some were really good at catching the girls and then kissing them They are rapists now
how do you fit 100 rape victims inside a mini cooper?
in the ashtray
Rape jokes are the funniest thing to ever exist.
The difference between Isaac Newton and the baby I just stabbed?
Isaacs Newton died a virgin.
what do get when you cross a road with a stalker?
Roses are red Violets are blue I have a gun Get in the car
How do you make a little girl cry for a second time?
By wiping her blood off your dick with her teddybeer.