There once was a man named Dave who dug up a prostitutes grave, she was as moldy as shit and missing a tit, but think of all the money he saved
Why is prostitution illegal?
Because when it comes to screwing people and taking their money, the government doesn't want anyone outperforming them.
What do you call an Eskimo stripper?
A frosty-tute.
What do you call prostitute in a wheelchair?
Hot wheels.
I’d make a joke about prostitutes and women sleeping with multiple men, but it would just be whore-ible.
Whats a prostitutes favourite snack? Skittles. They love to taste the rainbow.
How can a pimp save money in buying condoms for his stable? Answer: Have his hoes wash and rinse them after every use.
Q. What do a prostitute and a vacuum have in common? A. If the stop sucking you can smack them till they start again.
Why do blonde prostitutes prefer blowjobs?
They hate it when you hand it to them.
What is the best part about Alabama prostitutes?
Family comes first.
The Drunk and a priest
On a bus, a priest sat next to a drunk who was struggling to read a newspaper.
Suddenly, with a slurred voice, the drunk asked the priest:
"Do you know what arthritis is?"
The parish priest soon thought of taking the opportunity to lecture the drunk and replied:
"It's a disease caused by sinful and unruly life: excess, consumption of alcohol, drugs, marijuana, crack, and certainly lost women, prostitutes, promiscuity, sex, binges and other things I dare not say."
The drunk widened his eyes, shut up and continued reading the newspaper.
A little later the priest, thinking that he had been too hard on the drunk, tried to soften:
"How long have you had arthritis?"
"I don't have arthritis! It says here in the paper that the Pope has it."
How is having fun with a prostitute like bungee jumping?
You’re dead if the rubber breaks.
This lady has 2 parrots that only say one thing. Hi we're prostitutes, wanna have some fun? So she goes and tells her pastor. He responds with I have two parrots as well, they are always praying and they have everything that a parrot needs to be a christian. Maybe if we put our parrots together, mine will fix yours. They proceed to do so and the lady's parrots say hi we're prostitutes, wanna have some fun? and the pastors parrots reply with Johnny drop your beads and lift your heads our prayers have been answered.
What is the difference between a terrorist and a prostitute? The prostitute can blow you more than once
What’s the worst part about a dead prostitute?
You end up doing all the work.
If having sex for money makes you a wh*re, then what does having sex for free make you?
Non-profit wh*reganisation.
What does an Arab prostitute say?
"Bomb my pussy!"
What do you call 2 nuns and a prostitute that play football?
2 tight ends and a wide receiver
Being a hooker shouldn't be illegal.
It's like having an Airbnb for your dick.
Q: What do you call a black prostitute in space?
A: The Blackhole.