Who can shave 20 times a day and still have a beard? -- A barber.
Q:What does a dead prostitute and a swimming pool have in common? A: They're both cold when you first get in, but warms up after a few strokes
So we were working with a new client at work and my boss farts, he said "a little gas never killed anyone
A man is meeting a client in Japan, yet arrives a day early. When night hit he went out with a prostitute. They're having sex, yet the prostitute kept shouting "Fuji, Fuji, Fuji!", so the man thinks he doing a good job. The next day, the man meets his client and they go golfing and the client gets a hole in one. The man praises him by going "Fuji, Fuji, Fuji!". His client turns around confused and says "What do you mean wrong hole!?"
what do both a hooker and a customer have in common, they come onto each other
He installed a hacked client on his MC server called cancer.exe
What does the receptionist at a sperm bank say as clients leave?
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