
Politics Jokes

Donald Trump wants to ban the sale of pre-shredded cheese. -- He wants to make America grate again.


What is the difference between a comedian and a clown?

A comedian leads Ukraine, and a clown leads America.

I was asking people who knew trump if he would win a second term . Stormy said " no way, he doesn't have 2 in him!"

To teach kids about democracy, I let them vote on dinner. They picked tacos. Then I made pizza because they don’t live in a swing state.

Did you know that Former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison was a firefighter? He got fired for trying to fight a fire with tickets to Hawaii.

I, for one, give President Joe Biden my full support, and anything else he can find in my previously rented gym locker. 🤣

There is a new kind of jock strap, it only holds one nut. It is called a trump supporter.


There’s so many protests. Every time I see my body my choice, I can’t tell if we’re protesting the masks or trying to kill babies