Roses are red Violets are blue Lay on the bed So I can fuck you
Are you a sports car? Because you give my heart quite a rush
You know why you remind me of a calculator? Because 1+1 equals the 2 of us
Are You Shane Dawson Because I can Be Your Pussy
I hope you know CPR because you are taking my breath away!
Are u mixed? Cuz ur half fine half mine😏
If 2 + 2 is 4, and 4 + 4 is 8, then that must mean i can lick your pussy
are you a gun because i would be your bullets because i love going in children.
are you a white van because i would love to put children in you.
Roses are red. Lemons are sour. Open your legs, so I can devour.
I rate you 9 out of 10 because I’m the 1 u need
are you a playground because i want to put my kids in you
Do you work at subway because you turn my 6 inch into a footlong
Pickup line for gay people:
Roses are red Antarctica is in the south Get on your knees And open your mouth
I would kiss ur lips but your legs are blocking the way.
If you know u know 😏😏
Rose are red balls are round skirts are up painties are down belly to belly skin to skin when its stiff stick it in.
Lemme treat you like I treat my homework slam you on my desk and do you all night.
I heard you were looking for a stud... I already have the STD, all I need is u.
roses are red, violets are blue, I've got a bouquet in my pants for you
roses are red, violets are blue, I'll be a jaeger, will you be my kaiju?